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Me Too E-Book

Me Too E-Book

Me Too Book Ebook Store Photo 1.png


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  • Venmo: @Jolie-Brownell

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Full Description:

'Me Too' is a collection of reasons why you are so freakin' beautiful, powerful, unique, badass, and good enough - just for starters ;) Written by a teen for teens - Jolie shares pieces of her journey towards self-love, coupled with uplifting messages on body acceptance, confidence, goal setting, and healthy relationships. While these messages and short stories are Jolie's way of saying "me too", she has also intentionally left white space for others to write in their personal stories and messages as their own gesture of saying "me too". Giving anyone the ability to gift this book to a girl in their life who needs to hear these inspiring messages.

Acceptable for All Ages

Page Count: 174

Book Reviews:

This book is a rare gem, packed full of empowerment and confidence. It reminds us all to shine that little bit brighter.
CAUTION TO READERS: you’re likely to want to take on the world after reading.  

— Emma McILROY, Founder + CEO of WildFang

Arise! This is the ultimate call from Jolie Brownell’s Me Too that will stay with every young woman who reads her inspirational pages. Written from her own experience, you will be led by her into a deeper sense of love and appreciation for both yourself and those around you.  A must read for tweens and teens!  

— Stephanie Rosic, freelance writer, editor, and blogger at The Blended Life