Between that good and that good-good angel poem
I’ve always found the movie scenes with the two angels
trying to persuade a character to be really funny.
They’re meant to be.
Do you choose what is scripted to be best,
Or do you follow your hidden
(usually portrayed as evil) desires?
But I’ve grown more curious about the “bad” angel...
As I've been trying to weed out the difference between
what is truly “evil” and what has been socially ascribed as
“evil”/“bad” as a mechanism of oppression
through self-denial.
Is that “bad” angel always “bad,”
or is she a side of us we have been taught to say “no” to?
Are those hidden desires always “evil,”
or are they desires we have been taught to be afraid of?
So when my own angels appear on my shoulders,
I keep asking myself,
Am I choosing between the good or bad angel,
or am I choosing between the good or the good-good angel?
Am I choosing between what society deems as “good”
or what I believe to be truly good for myself -
that “good-good?”
Jolie Brownell